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Talking about alcohol leaflet for parents and carers (minimum order 50)


A leaflet for parents and carers on talking about alcohol.

Teenagers will come across alcohol via their friends, at parties and in their everyday lives as they get older. 38% of 15 year-olds in England drink about once a month or more frequently – fact. However, 86% of 11 year-olds have not had a whole drink and the majority have not tasted alcohol. It is at this age – between 11-13 that their perceptions of alcohol are formed – and parents are the most important influence as to what age and if they drink or not.

Parents/carers are also the key supplier of alcohol to under 18’s and are the hosts of house parties. Supporting parents in ‘tough love parenting', setting boundaries and equipping them with the skills to resist teen pressure are key, as well as improving their understanding of alcohol's effects on the teenage brain.

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